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Power Hour with Regions Bank

January 30, 2020 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM (CST)


We are kicking off the new year with our first Chamber Power Hour of 2020!  The Power Hour is a great learning opportunity to help support and grow YOUR business.

Thank you to our Chamber corporate partner, Regions Bankfor sponsoring the January Power Hour, "Protect Your Business From Fraud."  

Did you know that nearly three-fourths of businesses have been victims of fraud?

Who wants to talk about or even think about fraud? Unfortunately, it's a reality that many business owners and even individuals have to deal with these days. Learning ways to protect ourselves and our businesses is key to combating fraud. You work hard to build your business and learning about these tools and best practices will help keep your business on the right track!

Start 2020 off with this Power Hour and gain the tools and insight you need to know to protect your business including:

  1. How to recognize the warning signs when it comes to fraud and your business.
  2. The three ways fraud can happen to your business.
  3. How to protect your business and yourself including what you can do in the next 24 hours to help protect your business.

Regions strives to provide you with the guidance and tools to help you accomplish your unique financial goals.


Power Hour Speaker

Jerry Kronenthal is the Houston market Next Step/Elevate Financial Wellness Relationship Manager with Regions Bank whose goal is to inspire and equip employees and businesses in our communities with financial advice, guidance, and tools. To maintain focus on excelling in the workplace and enjoying life Jerry helps both individuals and businesses break down financial goals into manageable and achievable steps.

Jerry started his banking career in 1998.  He has over 22 years’ experience in the banking industry and has worked as a Teller, Personal Banker, Loan Officer, Credit Manager, Business/Commercial Banker, National Account Manager and Workplace Financial Services Specialist.  With his vast banking experience, Jerry and the Next Step/Elevate program provide expert-led financial wellness seminars and valuable guidance to help improve individuals and businesses financial confidence.


What is the Power Hour? It's a fantastic hour of hands-on training with industry insiders designed to help you grow your business. The Chamber is bringing educational programs like the Power Hour to help our members be prepared and to thrive in their businesses! 

Register today to learn how to protect your business or personal identity.

The Power Hour kicks off right before the Chamber Biz Connect Mixer so you can join us for the Power Hour and then join other members and guests for the Chamber's monthly Biz Connect Mixer all in the same location - so easy!  Note: you must register for the Biz Connect Mixer separately.


General Admission: $20 in advance; $30 at the door

Members: This program is complimentary to Chamber Members.

Members: Be sure to log in to get the Members Only rate.

Contact Information

Greater Houston LGBTQ+ Chamber of Commerce
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{{ vm.EventInfo.ErrorMessage }}

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Exhibitor Opportunities

Name Price Att Qty
{{ et.Name }}
{{ et.IncludedAttendeesCount }} {{ et.AttendeeRegType.RemainingPerType }} Remaining {{ et.AttendeeRegType.RemainingPerType * -1 }} on Waiting List {{ et.AttendeeRegType.RemainingPerType * -1 }} Over Limit
{{ et.Remaining }} Remaining
Sold out

Attendee Registration Options Total Remaining: {{ vm.EventInfo.VacantSpotsPerEvent }}

Waiting List Available
{{ vm.stats.totalAttendeesCount }} Registered , {{ vm.OverallOverAmount() }} on Waiting List , {{ vm.OverallOverAmount() }} Over Limit
Name Price Qty
{{ rt.Name }}
{{ rt.IsMemberOnly ? ' (Members Only)' : '' }}
Limit: {{ rt.LimitPerPurchase }}
Included Attendees: {{ rt.AttendeesCountPerOneRegistration }}
{{rt.Price | currency }} {{rt.PriceAfterDiscount | currency }} {{ rt.Price | currency }}
{{ rt.RemainingPerType }} Remaining
{{ rt.RemainingPerType * -1 }} on Waiting List
{{ rt.RemainingPerType * -1 }} Over Limit

{{'[[Sponsorship]] Opportunities' | localizeString:'['}}

Name Price Att Qty
{{ st.Name }}
{{ st.IncludedAttendeesCount }} {{ st.AttendeeRegType.RemainingPerType }} Remaining {{ st.AttendeeRegType.RemainingPerType * -1 }} on Waiting List {{ st.AttendeeRegType.RemainingPerType * -1 }} Over Limit
{{ st.Remaining }} Remaining
Sold out

Registration Information


Exhibitor - {{er.Name}}

Exhibitor #{{ $index + 1 }}

Total: {{exhibitor.TotalPrice | currency}} {{ exhibitor.IsBenefit ? "- Included as a Benefit" : exhibitor.IsDiscounted ? "- Discounts have been applied" : ""}}
Exhibitor Directory
Primary Contact
Booth Information
Additional Information
Additional Items

Attendee - {{er.Name}}

{{ att.getAttendeeTerm(vm.EventSettings.AdditionalAttendeesTerm, $index) }} #{{ att.getAttendeeIndexDisplay(vm.EventSettings.AdditionalAttendeesTerm, $index) }}

Total: {{att.TotalPrice | currency}} {{att.DiscountMessage | localizeString:'['}}
A No Show fee is being assessed for {{fee.EventName}} on {{fee.EventStartLocalTimeString}}.



Additional Information
Event Sessions


{{slot.SelectedSession.SessionDescription + (slot.HasFees ? " (Price: " + (slot.PriceTotal | currency) +")" : "")}}

Additional Items

{{'[[Sponsorship+]]' | localizeString:'['}} - {{er.Name}}

{{'[[Sponsor]]' | localizeString:'['}} #{{ $index + 1 }}

Total: {{sponsor.Price | currency}}

Additional Items


{{(vm.EventInfo.Terms.Donation || "Fundraising") + " Opportunities"}}

Campaign Name Item Description Amount
{{item.CampaignName}} {{item.Description + (item.ShowMinimumPrice && item.MinimumPrice ? " (Min: " + item.MinimumPrice + ")" : "")}}

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No Show Policy

{{ vm.EventInfo.EventSettings.NoShowPolicy }}

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Thank you to our {{'[[Sponsor+]]' | localizeString:'['}}