Overwhelmed? - Control the Controllables
Many of our brilliant members are sharing their insight during COVID-19. We are sharing out their wisdom through the Chamber Blog to help our members during this difficult time.
This blog post is authored by Thomas Lopez who is the founder of Economiworks. We are proud to have Economiworks as one of our Chamber members.
Overwhelmed? - Control the Controllables
With the COVID-19 pandemic drastically changing our lives by the day, many of us are asking ourselves what to do now? What will happen next? When will this end?
Unfortunately, we do not know. Of course, this does not sit well with savvy business leaders. Yet, some of us, despite our best instincts to move forward and solve problems, can become overwhelmed and worried with the amount of unknowns.
Why Does This Matter
Currently, there appears to be more questions than answers, yet instead of being asked to move into action, we're asked to sit and hold tight while everything keeps changing.
What then do we do? Sit idle? Nah. Move into action? Sure. What then do we do?
It is important to be measured and purposeful in our actions, so as to be ready to respond to our new realities on the other end of this crisis.
Of course, some would argue, with the economy at a full halt, some businesses may not make it to the other side of this crisis. A stark reality for some organizations, it will be important to minimize the impact on businesses. Thus, it is important to put into place a plan to get you through the next two weeks, the next 30 days, the next 60 days, 90 days, and even six months.
Tell Me More
It will be easy to be overwhelmed with your business - how to pay the bills, how to engage and maintain customers to keep the business going, how to engage and retain employees to avoid a layoff.
This is a chaotic time and as business leaders it is our responsibility to make sense of this for customers, employees, and other stakeholders.
We have noted in previous posts about putting order to chaos and would suggest to revisit this as you put into place strategies for the next 90 days. Even in the fortunate event that this crisis calms in the next few weeks, the implications will alter our economic outlook for the remainder of the year.
Bottom Line
It is an uncertain time. Our response to this challenge, especially in this time where we have so few answers, will be important to help bridge us to success. When we become overwhelmed, excited, or anxious, let's take a minute to remind ourselves we can only control the controllables.
Thomas J. Lopez is the founder of EconomiWorks and has over 15 years of experience promoting talent strategies that allow companies to attract, retain, and develop their most valuable resources - their people. With EconomiWorks, Thomas aims to connect business leaders and people with opportunities that will help them meet their goals.
In a busy world, with too much to do and too little resources to get it all done, Thomas hopes to have EconomiWorks help bring order to chaos for those business leaders who need additional resources by connecting them with freelance talent who are ready to step in and help an organization meet their goals. Find out more about Thomas and EconomiWorks here.
EconomiWorks believes that when we work, the economy works. With industry trends such as a knowledge and skill gaps, tight labor market, and increased work demand, EconomiWorks aims to provide businesses with access to freelance professionals across a variety of fields and disciplines such as Accounting & Finance, Engineering, Human Resources, Information Technology, Marketing, among others. Alas, a way to do more with less!